Site icon Margaret Skea, Author

All roads lead to Cumbernauld – yes really!

Writing is a lonely business… Right?

Most of the time, anyway, so when the opportunity comes to meet up with other writers, I’m interested. There is nothing quite like talking books with folk who not only understand your passion (your family might just manage that on occasion) but share it. And are happy to spend hours swopping stories and experiences, good… and bad.

And when there’s also the chance to listen, chat to and rub shoulders with high-profile authors and other industry professionals, including agents and publishers, for 2 whole days, I’m right at the front of the queue.

Add in a lovely hotel, which, joy of joys, I’m reliably informed understands how to cater for a gluten-free diet and I’m hooked.

Which is why on the 22nd-24th September I’m heading for the ScotsWrite conference at the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld. The location may sound less than exotic, but the hotel is situated in the middle of a golf course, with lovely views to the hills – what’s not to like. Oh, and I’m bringing my swimming costume –

their pool might be the best chance I have for a swim in Scotland this summer!

And my dancing shoes – for the ceilidh on the Saturday night.

Of course the main attractions are the keynote speakers – I’ve not had the chance to hear

Joanne Harris  before so I’m really looking forward to that, as well as lots more in the very varied programme, which has something to suit everyone’s needs.

I shall be signing up for one-to-one sessions as soon as they are released, for the chance to get face-to-face feedback is invaluable.


I’m also tempted by the workshops on   Scrivener – though I’m not sure whether a confirmed technophobe such as myself could cope…

‘Pain-free writing – the ergonomic workspace’ is definitely something I need to learn more about, but I’m hoping the all-day, drop in CPR training isn’t because I’ll be so busy (and excited) it will put a strain on my heart!

Don’t we all want to know what makes a publisher fall in love with a novel? I certainly do, and I’m sure Jane Johnson’s insights will prove valuable.

So notebook at the ready, here I come.


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