Site icon Margaret Skea, Author

Launch Day

When the date for the sequel to Turn of the Tide to be published was set – way back in May – 15th October seemed a long time away. But now it’s here.

There have been a few times during the process when I thought the wheels might just fall off the wagon.

I imagine the printer and the distributor will be sharing my relief as I will no longer be bombarding them with my questions, fears and worries…

I’m delighted to be having my launch in Blackwells Bookshop in Edinburgh, as they have been very supportive to me since my debut novel was published in 2012 (despite the launch of that one being held in Waterstones in Edinburgh!)
A forgiving lot in Blackwells.

I’ve also been celebrating with guest posts and interviews on various blog sites – see the links below – and I’m hugely grateful to those who have hosted me already and those who will host me over the next month or so.

I’m more than grateful to the friend who is providing nibbles for the launch tonight – logistically more difficult than it might have been as neither of us realised at the time that this is Scottish schools holiday week and she is also entertaining grandchildren at her house in the Borders at the same time as treking to Edinburgh for the launch. So a huge thank you to Jenni.

A big thank you also to Professor Ian Campbell of Edinburgh University who has agreed to chair the event for me tonight. He chaired my first launch and did a great job, so I’m really pleased that although he has two other engagements today, he was willing to give up the time to be part of this.

I’m looking forward to tonight even though, due to timing and some other personal circumstances, some of my best friends won’t be able to be there. I’ll miss you folks, but for those who are, I’m sure we’ll have a good night.

Links to other blogs –

Starting off my own mini blog hop an interview with a fellow scottish author, Jane Riddell.

A slightly different and fun set of questions from Maria Grace.

Yesterday Dianne Ascroft gave her readers a peek into A House Divided thank you, Dianne.

The Dreaded Sequel with thanks to Jo for sharing today with me.

And still to come –

With Janet Emson on fromfirstpagetolast – c 20th October

and Helen Hollick – 8th December

Thank you, one and all! 

In between times I’m speaking at Berwick Literary Festival tomorrow (Friday 16th October)

– that’s slightly scary, in case no-one comes!

There is a Borders Launch of A House Divided in Mainstreet Trading on 29th October at 6.00pm for refreshments to which anyone within reach is welcome.

And when the dust has settled a little I have a few other groups to visit and I’m especially looking forward to speaking at Ayr Writers Club in November – it’s always great to meet other writers.

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