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Profiled on Georgina Hannan's blog today - thank you, Georgina
Profiled on Georgina Hannan's blog today - thank you, Georgina
This is a superb article on the cost of fighting for king and country, most of which I didn't know, and though a little outside my period, absolutely fascinating. One…
Fascinating post today about the king of pedestrianism - and lazy he was not (nor unfit). I have to confess that walking as a spectator sport doesn't excite me, but…
Today's post on the English Historical Fiction Authors' website is about medieval gardens. For me the most telling comment came right at the start - 'The medieval world was a…
My part in the Great tapestry of Scotland¬if_t=mention The Munros live in a tower just like this in Turn of the Tide. I've loved doing it - great thinking…
See my blog post on the English Historical Fiction Authors site. (And yes they allow Scots!) If you enjoy it - please do comment.
Check this out. Fascinating stuff.
Fascinating article re Catherine de Valois (and Pepys' weird action in kissing her corpse... Sooner him than me.
Thank you Heather for a chance to feature on your blog - it was good to 'talk' to you. Visit
Following the excitement of the confirmation that the 'Skeleton in the Car Park' was indeed Richard III I wondered (somewhat idly)how many other missing monarchs there might be. The answer…
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