Author Events

I have had the privilege of presenting at lots of different types of events over the past few years and am happy to visit groups of any size. As I am on the Live Literature Database, my attendance at Scottish events can be subsidized by the Scottish Book Trust, but the virtual possibilities mean that I can now ‘attend’ groups anywhere in the world. If you’d like me to come to your group, live or virtually via Zoom, please contact me to discuss your requirements. At present I am running Writing Skills Masterclasses as part of Nick Stephenson’s Dream Team Network and for the History Quill

I have recently finished a Book Tour for my latest publication – Angola in my Heart A commissioned contemporary biography of a lady who spent 34 years in Angola including through the civil war period. I am still particularly happy to come to share Ruth Hadley’s inspiring story – some of the profits from the sale of her biography go to the charity which commissioned me to write it.

Book Festival Highlights – Boswell Book Festival: Scottish Historical Fiction Festival, Grantown Historical Fiction Festival; Berwick Literary Festival; Previously – Scotland’s History Festival; Tidelines Festival; Scottish Book Week; Association of Christian Writers Scottish Conference; Neidpath Castle Historical Fiction Festival, Borders Book Festival and London Book Fair. I have also, over the last 3 years, planned, organised and chaired events in the Society of Authors @Home Festival.

I have also presented in person at the Historical Novel Society Conference UK and via zoom in the HNS US conference.

Groups – SWI; Church guilds; History Societies; Probus: Rotary; U3A; Libraries; Book groups and more…

Examples of Talks / Presentations
History in Historical Fiction – Icing on the Cake or Main Ingredient
Food Standards Agency 16th c Style
1000 Miles in Saxony – In search of a Rebel
Life with the Luthers
Writing about Conflict – a Women’s perspective
An Author’s Journey
The Scottish Tower House – not just a home, a way of life
The Ayrshire Vendetta.
Faith and Fiction
The Great Tapestry of Scotland
Q+A for book groups on any of my titles.

Examples of Workshops – given in a variety of contexts.
When Fact and Fiction Meet – getting it right in Historical Fiction
Stealing Stories from Life
The Self-publishing Journey
Authentic Historical Fiction
A sense of Place
Making Walls Speak
‘He said, She said’ – Effective Dialogue
Characters that Live
Memoir and Biography

I am available to speak / present in person or via zoom – for enquiries please drop me a note here and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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