A skeleton I’m glad they found.
After yesterday's sobering post, today a news item on another skeleton, but this time one I'm very glad they found. And I harbour a hope that against all the odds…
After yesterday's sobering post, today a news item on another skeleton, but this time one I'm very glad they found. And I harbour a hope that against all the odds…
Anyone who is friends with me on Twitter or follows me here knows I'm normally keen on skeletons. They are usually a sign of a fascinating story being uncovered -…
Fun article on when the waltz was introduced to Britain and why folk (including Lord Bryon) thought it shocking! http://mmbennetts.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/why-things-arent-always-clear-cut/
The semi-colon. Do you love it or hate it. And did this article change your mind? http://wordwatchtowers.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/the-beautiful-semicolon/
Interesting article (and statistics) about the American reading public - most of them aren't it seems - and the possible reasons why Amazon reportedly paid a whopping 150 million for…
Just had to post a link to this - Nelson's uniform displayed along with others including Napoleon's in an exhibition in Paris. Strangely moving to read 'they found that the…
For those (like me) whose knowledge of Welsh history is lamentably lacking, there is a fascinating post on the English Historical Fiction Authors site today. And what fabulously evocative names...Llewellyn…
Encouraging news that many thousands of manuscripts from libraries in Timbuktu, feared destroyed by Islamic extremists, have been smuggled out and saved. http://publishingperspectives.com/2013/03/saving-and-translating-timbuktus-ancient-libraries/
How bloody was 'Bloody Mary' - article on the execution of Cranmer.http://bloodygoodread.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/confronting-cranmer.html
Today's tidbit is an illuminating article about the Royal Navy and the Napoleonic War. And a lesser known 'hero' http://englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/the-royal-navys-finest-sailor.html?spref=fb
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