The wait is over!

One week in from release of By Sword and Storm and the scary wait is over – the 1st review (verified purchase) has arrived. I can breathe again!


‘A gorgeously satisfying end to Margaret Skea’s rich trilogy. Skea brings Scotland and France to life in vivid colours. Although I believe this completes the series, it seems to me that the door might have been left slightly ajar to meet up with the members of the family again at a later date. I do hope so.’
As regular readers will know, this book is the third in a Scottish general HF series – rooted in a real-life clan feud that ran for c 150 years, it follows the fortunes of some of the main protagonists plus, importantly, a fictional family trapped within it. Publisher is billing it as the conclusion of a trilogy – and I guess it is, but I am hoping to revisit this story at a later date…
Undiscovered Scotland reviewed A House Divided – the 2nd book in the series, post-publication – and this time round were sent an early review copy.  They have written a comprehensive (and rather nice) review, but as they won’t be publishing it in full until the print launch I can’t reproduce it here.
I can however give a taster from it.
“There are colourful individuals, opulent settings and clashes of personality aplenty. There are thoughtful and level headed characters as well as those who let their tempers get the better of them. There are relationships which work and those that are destined to fail. The result is a hugely satisfying read which leaves this reader, in particular, hoping that there will be another book in this excellent series.”
The publisher has put this out to various bloggers – it will be interesting to see what their reactions are. I just hope the wait for these isn’t too long…