aught (n): anything
bailie (n): magistrate
bailieship (n): office of magistrate
bailiewick (n): district under magistrate’s control
barmkin (n): enclosed area within the outer fortification of a castle or tower house bawbee (n): small value coin
baxter (n): baker
birl (v): to whirl around
bliant (n): expensive fabric probably made of silk
bonnet-laird (n): minor laird
butterbur (n): plant, rhubarb-like in appearance
cap-house (n): guard chamber at roof level in a castle or tower house
cap-stone (n): coping stones topping a wall
caul (n): cap
champ (v): to be eager
clack (n): talk, gossip
clatching (v): to transport mud on the soles of shoes (from clatch, noun: mire)
clegg (n): gad-fly
cludgie (n): earth closet
coney (n): rabbit
coup (v): to overturn
craw (n): gullet
curtain-wall (n): outer fortification, rampart
deeve (v): to weary by constant talking
dour (adj): humourless, sullen
dreich (adj): damp, miserable
dunt (v): to bump into
dwam (n): stupor, trance
farl (n): a flat bread formed by cutting a circle of dough into quarters before cooking
feart (adj): afraid
feisty (adj): spirited
fissling (adj): muted rustling sound
fitty (adj): fitting, appropriate
flesher (n): butcher
forbye (n): besides, in addition to
foundered (adj): extremely cold
ganch (n): dull-witted person
gey (adv): very
glaur (n): slime, soft mud
grizzle (v): to whimper
hackbut (n): early form of firearm
hall (n): main public apartment in a castle or tower house
heft (v): to lift (esp. onto shoulders)
hirsel (n): wheeze, catarrhal sound in chest
ingle-nook (n): corner by a fireplace, usually with seating
looby (n): ill-educated person
lucken-booth (n): covered stall which could be locked up
midden (n): refuse heap
neep (n): turnip
nicker (v): to whinny softly
pauchled (adj): exhausted
pawky (adj): vivacious
peched (adj): gasping for breath
plackard (n): piece made to fill in a U or V-shaped opening in a bodice
pommel (n): knob on the hilt of a sword
posset (n): a drink of hot milk, curdled with ale or wine, sometimes flavoured
pruch (n): goods
put to the horn (figure of speech): banished
ram-stam (adj): reckless or precipitate manner
redd-out (v): to spring-clean
reek (n): stench
scunner (v): to annoy, irritate, disgust
simple (n): herbal remedy made from a single ingredient
sit (v): to maintain (spec. Scots)
skitters (n): thin execrement
slub (n): raised imperfection in the weave of cloth
smoult (n): young salmon, trout
sneck (n): latch
snood (n): close fitting outer cap (esp. of fur)
solar (n): private, family apartment in a castle or tower house
sonsy (adj): comely, attractive
souter (n): shoemaker
speir (n): talk, gossip
stook (n): bundle of cut sheaves of grain, set up to dry
thole (v): to suffer, endure
turnpike stair (n): spiral staircase, usually stone
wabbit (adj): weak
wall-walk (n): an external walk-way at roof level where a watch can be kept, often leading to a cap-house
wandered (adj): mentally incompetent
ween (adj): small amount
wheest (imp): be quiet
whiffler (n): person at the front of a procession, clearing the way
wynd (n): narrow alley or lane leading off a main thoroughfare
yett (n): defensive metal grid door, in addition to external main (wooden) door of a castle or tower house